Stallet, October 4th, 18:00 – 22:00
Stallgatan 7, Stockholm (T) Kungsträdgården
Open Stage at Stallet has a South Asian theme during Stockholm Sangeet Festival -we call it Open Sangeet. Bring your instrument, vocal chords or your best dance moves and try them out on stage. New collaborations on spot is encouraged. If you prefer just to enjoy the evening among the audience, food and drinks are available from 18:00, performances start 19:00. This is the place to be for a fun finish of this year´s festival! Conferencier is Israt Jahan Uddin. If you want to be sure to get a slot on stage, send an email to
Free entrance!

Stockholm Sangeet Festival 2021 is arranged by Stockholm Sangeet Förening in collaboration with Farhang Förening/Movement in Exile, Musikaliska, Stallet Världens Musik, Saraswathy Kalakendra Institution of Fine Arts, Föreningen Renqvists Verkstad and Sharda Music Sweden with support from the Swedish Arts Council, Region Stockholm and the Indian Embassy to Sweden and Latvia