Twelve international musicians and dancers meet in order to together explore common denominators and topics that evolve when cultures and traditions move and meet.
Poetry with connection to flamenco, north indian and roman culture twines the performance together.
Fields of tension in rhythm, song, dance and music emerge and creates new expressions. UNESCO:s immaterial world heritage flamenco and the north indian classical music and dance form kathak have, in spite of their very different geographical origin and characters, a lot in common, not the least the free and spontaneous improvisation within a given structure and the sharp contrasts between lyrical beauty and fulminant intensity.
More then anything else, it is the interplay between the sounding dancers, musicians and the audience that is the core of both the art forms.
Participating artists: Sanchita Pal (vocals), Debashish Mukherjee (tabla), Stian Grimstad (sitar), Moa Danielson (santoor), Hanna Mannila (kathak dance), Quincy Kendall Charles (kathak dance), Anna Murtola (vocal), Per Lenner (gituar)‚ Sara Nilsson (violin), Robin Cochrane (percussion), David Montero (flamenco dance), Pia del Norte (flamenco dance), Roberto Gonzalez (narrator).
At 6.00 to 6.20 pm the audience will have the opportunity to meet Amanda Lindgren and the exhibition ”We wo live here” in the foajé of Musikaliska. Amanda will speak with our conferencer Roberto Gonzales about her pictures from her travel between Kiruna and Malmö.
Tickets: 280/200 SEK. Get your tickets at www.musikaliska.com.
Performance time: 2 hours including pause.
The production is a collaboration between Stockholm Sangeet and FlamencoFredag, Länsmusiken i Stockholm, Västmanlandsmusiken, Instituto Cervantes, Spanska Ambassaden and Dans Compagniet. With support from Stockholms Stad, Kulturrådet and Statens Musikverk.
Flamenco och kathak – musik och dans i duell, samspel och poesi!
Tolv internationella musiker och dansare möts för att tillsammans utforska gemensamma nämnare och ämnen som blir aktuella när folkgrupper och kulturer vandrar och möts. Poesi med anknytning till flamenco, nordindisk och romsk kultur flätar samman konserten från början till slut. Laddade spänningsfält i rytm, sång, dans och musik bildas. UNESCO:s immateriella världsarv flamencon och den nordindiska musik- och dansformen kathaken har, trots sina vitt skilda geografiska hemvister och karaktärer mycket gemensamt, t ex den fria och spontana improvisationen inom en given struktur och kontrasterna mellan lyrisk skönhet och explosiv styrka. Framför allt är det samspelet
Program Schedule
Öga mot Öga
6.00 pm - Meet Amanda Lindgren: photo exhibition
Meet Amanda Lindgren in conversation with Roberto Gonzales about her photo exhibition and see the photo exhibition in the foajé of Musikaliska.
7.00 pm - Performance: Öga mot öga
Öga mot Öga part 1: kathak and flamenco in duel, interplay and poetry
7.45 pm - Intermission
8.00 - Performance: Öga mot öga
Öga mot Öga part 2: kathak and flamenco in duel, interplay and poetry


Sanchita Pal (UK/India), vocal

Anna Murtola (Finland), vocal

Debasish Mukherjee (India), tabla

Quincy Charles (France/Trinidad), kathak dance

Hanna Mannila (FInland), kathak dance

Sara Nilson, violin

David Montero, flamenco dance

Robin Cochrane, percussion

Pia Pohjakallio, flamenco dance

Per Lenner, guitar